Publications Celebrating the 20th Anniversary of Teater Garasi
Teater Garasi is conscious of the importance of continuously studying a variety of perspectives, critical analyses and reflections regarding Teater Garasi’s works and position in and for Indonesian culture, as well as the discourse of theatre and cultural arts in Indonesian at large. In the spirit of revisiting, reviewing, analysing, and especially revitalising the twenty years’ trajectory of cultural activism through theater-making, Teater Garasi published Bertukar Tangkap dengan Lepas: Sesilangan dan Lintasan 20 Tahun Teater Garasi dalam Esai [Exchanging Capture with Release: 20 Years of Teater Garasi’s Crossroads and Pathways in Essays], and Bertukar Tangkap dengan Lepas: Sesilangan dan Lintasan 20 Tahun Teater Garasi dalam Foto [Exchanging Capture with Release: 20 Years of Teater Garasi’s Crossroads and Pathways in Photographs]. The title phrase, Bertukar Tangkap dengan Lepas, is borrowed from the poet Amir Hamzah.
Professional and amateur photographers have documented Teater Garasi’s journey throughout the years. A mountain of photographs has accumulated in our archives over the years. Bertukar Tangkap dengan Lepas: Sesilangan dan Lintasan 20 Tahun Teater Garasi dalam Foto [Exchanging Capture with Release: 20 Years of Teater Garasi’s Crossroads and Pathways in Photographs] is a compilation of the best photographs that were selected by Budi ND Dharmawan, a young photographer who served as the book’s editor.
Bertukar Tangkap dengan Lepas: Sesilangan dan Lintasan 20 Tahun Teater Garasi dalam Esai [Exchanging Capture with Release: 20 Years of Teater Garasi’s Crossroads and Pathways in Essays] is a compilation of independent articles written by theatre colleagues, art critics, and cultural observers. Every writer was free to choose their own topic and perspective. The structure of the book and the editorial forward were handled by the editor, Nirwan Ahmad Arsuka.

The LeBur Theater Quarterly presents and encourages a broad range of perspectives about theatre in Indonesia, and opens itself to the dynamics of shifts in global perspectives and the realities of current audiences/society. These broader perspectives are supported by interdisciplinary approaches that accommodate discursive formations that have developed recently in viewing and discussing theatre concepts and events.
LeBur Theater Quarterly examines and attempts to disentangle perspectives of definitions and theatre conventions that are constrained and particularized (compartmentalized). Persistent particularizations include: modern-tradition, male-female, contemporary-conventional, as well as those that are made in the process of separating forms (dance, music, theatre, etc.).
Due to several reasons, LeBur Theater Quarterly is no longer in publication, however back issues can be ordered.