Adalah inisiatif baru Teater Garasi/Garasi Performance Institute yang ingin menjalin kontak dan pertemuan-pertemuan baru dengan tradisi, kebudayaan serta seniman dan anak-anak muda di kota-kota di luar (pulau) Jawa, sebagai suatu proses unlearning dan pembelajaran ulang atas (ke)Indonesia(an) dan (ke)Asia(an).
Bertolak dari kerangka ‘penciptaan bersama’ (collective creation) –suatu pendekatan penciptaan seni pertunjukan yang selama ini dikembangkan Teater Garasi, di dalam jejalin kontak dan pertemuan ini seniman-seniman Teater Garasi akan mengajak seniman dan anak-anak muda di beberapa kota (terpilih) di luar pulau Jawa untuk mengidentifikasi serta memberdayakan modal sosial dan kultural mereka dalam membaca, mendiskusikan serta mementaskan kegelisahan (concern) atas isu perubahan dan keberagaman di lingkungan masing-masing. Dengan kerangka semacam ini diharapkan suatu proses pertukaran pengetahuan dan proses belajar bersama dapat diberlangsungkan.
Karya dan proyek seni (pertunjukan) yang kemudian tercipta di dalam dan di antara kontak serta pertemuan ini diharapkan bisa melahirkan pengetahuan baru dan narasi-narasi alternatif atas kenyaataan-kenyataan perubahan dan keberagaman sosio-kultural di Indonesia dan Asia.
Antarragam is Teater Garasi/Garasi Performance Institute’s new initiative that aims to build a contact and meeting platform with different traditions and cultures as well as with emerging artist and young people in the cities outside Java, as an unlearning and relearning process on being Indonesian or Asian.
The program applies collaborative and intercultural approach, inviting emerging artists from various selected locations, especially outside Java, to observe, discuss, explore their aesthetic, cultural, and social concerns before they produce and present it in their respective places and locations. The primary concern for Teater Garasi’s artists in this program is not to produce an aesthetic work, but to learn from the cultural exchanges and meetings with local artists. The intercultural meetings should serve as a site of knowledge exchange between cultural sources and locales. In this program, art and performance approaches serve as a means to explore and approach social issues in the respective locations, especially in regards to Indonesian diversity and tolerance.
This program is structured in several stages, beginning with the preliminary field research, workshop, residency, production, presentation and archiving. As a whole, the program runs from 2017 to 2019 in a few selected locations. In the year 2017, the program is taking place in Madura and Flores.
It is hoped that the performance piece and art project that is created in this program can give rise to new knowledge and alternative narratives of the realities of change and social-cultural diversity in Indonesia and Asia.