Resident Artist of Teater Garasi since 1994, Erythrina Baskoro was involved in almost all Teater Garasi’s early works. She was also in the serial ‘Waktu Batu’ (2002-2006) and Je.ja.l.an (2008) that were performed in world stages. She played the role of Putri Cina (The Chinese Princess) in Robert Wilson’s ‘I La Galigo’ performed in New York, Melbourne, across Europe and Makassar. She writes and direct her stage-plays such as Monolog Sungai (which she co-wrote with Gunawan Maryanto 2007) and ‘Demam dalam 50cm3’ (2009) both based on the issue of violence on women. Her other notable work is DISKO (2011) – a documentary theatre depicting the lives of department store saleswomen. She is also a senior radio presenter, her soft-spoken voice can be heard regularly via broadcast on Bantul FM Radio Shows.