Performer Studio is a program of basic acting study for any novice performer who wants to learn about the training of basic acting used by Teater Garasi. This program lasts for two months and consists of: workshop, class, training, rehearsal and presentation with the facilitator and teacher who are competent in their field. This training is useful not only for the practice of actor and the one who wants to be an actor in the medium of theatre or movie, but also for the performer of performing arts in general (dance, music, performance art, new media art, etc).
In this basic acting study program the participant would have the chance to learn about:
1. The framework and the point of view of performance and its embodiments.
2. Various applicative acting methods.
3. Workshop and class with the artists from Teater Garasi.
4. Body and verbalization.
5. Public presentation and discussion.
This program started at Teater Garasi in 2006. At that time its name was Aktor Studio. In accordance to its development, this program did some adjustment in term of curriculum and participant. At first, this program lasted for 6 months and for the actor only. Later, in 2013, it changed its name into Performer Studio and opened for the performer of performing arts in general.
These are the names of facilitator who ever accompanied the participants of Performer Studio: Yudi Ahmad Tajudin, Ugoran Prasad, Gunawan Maryanto, Erythrina Baskoro, Joned Suryatmoko, Landung Simatupang, Wawan Sofwan, Rosa R Rosadi, dan Primanto Nugroho.
• Aktor Studio 2006. Program Belajar Keaktoran Teater Garasi (Acting Study Program of Teater Garasi). July 2006 – January 2007
• Final Presentation of Aktor Studio 2006. “Malam Jahanam”, Director: Joned Suryatmoko. Auditorium Lembaga Indonesia Perancis. January 11-12, 2007. “Domba-Domba Revolusi”, Director: Gunawan Maryanto. Auditorium Lembaga Indonesia Perancis. January, 26-27 2007. Aktor Studio 2007. Program Belajar Keaktoran Teater Garasi. Yogyakarta. July 2007 – January 2008.
• Final Presentation of Aktor Studio 2007, Pertunjukan “TUK”. A work by Bambang Widoyo SP, Directed by Gunawan Maryanto. Amphitheater Taman Budaya Yogyakarta. January , 11-12 2008.
• Aktor Studio 2009. Program Belajar Keaktoran Teater Garasi (Acting Study Program of Teater Garasi). May – August 2009
• Observation on the process of creating work entitled “Bocah Bajang” for Aktor Studio. Desa Bolongsari, Kecamatan Megaluh, Jombang, Jawa Timur. July, 7-8 2009.
• Presentation of “Tempat Istirahat” dan “Bocah Bajang” by the participants of Aktor Studio. Studio Teater Garasi. August 29, 2009.
• Performance/Presentation of Aktor Studio 2009, “Bocah Bajang”, Writer and Director: Gunawan Maryanto. Lembaga Indonesia Perancis Yogyakarta. October 22-23, 2009.
• Performer Studio, Program Kursus Keaktoran Teater Garasi. April 16 –June 23 , 2013
• Final Presentation of Performer Studio “Fireflies. Di tepian Sungai Nggak Ada Kunang-Kunang”, Writer: Suzui Toshiro. Studio Teater Garasi, Juni 23 , 2013
• Performer Studio, Program Kursus Keaktoran Teater Garasi. February 21 – April 20, 2017